I invite you all to join me on Tuesday, July 2, 2013 (11 am Central time), when I have the honor of being a guest on The Techology Show.
Hosted and produced by Tony Casey, Heath (“Keith” whenever he is ordering food or drink) Mullikin, and Matthew Tietje, The Techology Show is a weekly podcast discussing “technology, theology & everything in-between.” Although I have not met any of the hosts face to face, I do call Heath a friend, and I thank them all for the quality communication they have brought to the table in The Wesleyan Church, especially as it was done not as a directive from above, but as a result of their grassroots effort and personal passion. This is a great podcast for all, not only Wesleyans. Continue reading On Appearing on “The Techology Show ” (shameless self promotion)→
Wesleyan Seminary at Indiana Wesleyan University Commencement
August 11, 2012
As a pastor, this is the largest congregation I have ever had the opportunity to address, and the Provost has only allotted me two minutes! [GRIMACE toward the Provost] Really?!
Usually I am several months ahead in coming up with potential research paper topics, but for the final two Wesley Seminary praxis courses (Congregational Spiritual Formation and Congregational Relationships) I have not come up with anything solid. This is especially frustrating because spiritual formation is supposed to be one of my strengths. Here are the two ideas I have been tossing around for spiritual formation.
This Spring, the seminary praxis course I will be taking is Christian Proclamation. This is essentially our preaching course. At Wesley Seminary, in each praxis course we write an Integration Paper (IP). This is a research paper in which we create a real life scenario that addresses a topic related to the course. The goal is to construct an answer based on biblical exegetical research, theology, church history, and social science. I have come up with two ideas for an IP on preaching. Continue reading Integration Paper Thoughts: Christian Proclamation→
This post may be a case of “misinterpreting boldly so that the Spirit may come” (Ken Schenck).
Yesterday, as I drove away from seminary to visit my brother in Chicago, I had NPR on the radio. A story that played was a recollection of the lynching that led to song “Strange Fruit.” Although the song speaks about “southern trees” being the hanging trees, this particular famous/infamous lynching occurred in Marion, IN. When I learned that fact, I suddenly felt creepy; Marion, IN is where Wesley Seminary at Indiana Wesleyan University is located. I realize that Marion is a very different place than it was 1930, and few, if any, of the adults who were a part of this crime are alive today, but as an African-American, some things just disturb my spirit.
Lawrence Beitler took what would become the most iconic photograph of lynching in America, the lynching of Thomas Shipp and Abram Smith.
February is going to be a busy month. I have 3.5 preaching Sundays. (The .5 sermon is our church anniversary, where all of the staff contributes somewhere, but I may get out of that one. I mean, what I supposed to do to follow last year’s Mr. Roger’s Tillman’s Neighborhood?) I think some pastors would be glad to only have three preaching days, but with the spring semester of seminary underway and being bi-vocational, February is going to be a tough month. This may be the last post for a little while, but I thought in might be interesting to hear how Wesley Seminary‘s innovative M.Div. approach, which received some criticism before the first syllabus was even written, is benefiting my ministry. Continue reading New Style Seminary, New Style Pay Offs→
Thoughts on Personal and Corporate Spiritual Formation