Life Perspective from Rob Bell

3213870424On January 20, 2013 I will be installed as the lead pastor of Oakdale Wesleyan Church, and as the date approaches many thoughts have crossed my mind. Although we, the involved parties, just picked the first available Sunday in January, that date happened to fall on Inauguration Day for President Barack Obama’s second term, and Martin Luther King, Jr. Day weekend. I do not place myself on the level of the first African-American president of the U.S. nor the leader of the U.S. Civil Rights Movement, but I am honored to share, and find significance in sharing, their day. Continue reading Life Perspective from Rob Bell

Call to Worship: Trust

This story comes from Tim Hansel (1987). Holy Sweat. Word Books Publisher, pp. 46-47.

One day, while my son Zac and I were out in the country, climbing around in some cliffs, I heard a voice from above me yell, “Hey Dad! Catch me!” I turned around to see Zac joyfully jumping off a rock straight at me. He had jumped and them yelled “Hey Dad!” I became an instant circus act, catching him. We both fell to the ground. For a moment after I caught him I could hardly talk. Continue reading Call to Worship: Trust

The Sacraments as Means of Grace part 5: Reconciliation

reconciliationAs my church does not hold Ash Wednesday services, my wife and I often attend Roman Catholic mass on that day. The last time we went, the priest began his sermon (not homily, this guy likes to preach!) by telling us how popular Ash Wednesday services have become. His phone had been ringing all week, from all sorts of people calling to find out service times. Some asked if they could just swing by his office and get ash on their forehead. He told them “No,” and that they would have to participate in the whole service in order to receive ash at the end. He said that Ash Wednesday services were already more well attended than Christmas, and, if the trend continued, would even surpass Easter. Despite his striking statistics, he had something even more powerful and convicting to say next. Continue reading The Sacraments as Means of Grace part 5: Reconciliation

The Sacraments as Means of Grace part 8: Acts of Mercy

This post will get me labeled as a heretic from both the Protestants and Roman Catholics. I want us to consider that all of us may regularly overlook a true sacrament of the gospel, and in the 2000 years of Christianity, I am not the first person to bring this up. John Wesley makes the case in Sermon 98 that if we normally consider the ordinances and means of grace to be equivalent terms, then we must consider another act. John Wesley called it “visiting the sick,” but I will define it more broadly as acts of mercy. Continue reading The Sacraments as Means of Grace part 8: Acts of Mercy

Ministry News: New Pastoral Calling

leafMy busy schedule has not allowed me to keep up with regular blog and Twitter posting over the past three weeks. However, after many years of work and prayer, that intensified over the past three weeks, on Nov. 18, 2012, I was offered and accepted the call as lead pastor at Oakdale Wesleyan Church in Oakdale, MN.

I ask that you forgive the lack of attention the blog may receive as we transition over the next few months, and travel down the road of greater opportunity to impact individuals, our culture, and the world, with the hope and love found in Jesus.

©2012 Paul Tillman

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