Call to Worship: The Sweet Word of God

A tragedy struck a man. An explosion had left him without hands or sight. Fortunately, he recovered from the accident, but one thing he regretted was that he could no longer read. Specifically, he wanted to be able to read the Bible. Hope came when he heard of a person who had learned to read Braille using her lips. He thought he could also learn to read Braille in that way, but he was disappointed. The burns on his face had so damaged the nerves in his lips that he could not feel the raised dots of Braille. However, as he experimented, he accidental stuck out his tongue and found that he could feel the Braille with his tongue. Thus he was able to eventually read the Bible again using his tongue.

This story reminded me of Psalm 119:103, “How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!” because this man truly had to taste the Word of God, and in doing, found it sweet as honey to his soul.

This story comes from Robert L. Sumner’s The Wonder of the Word of God (Biblical Evangelism Press, 1969) and was retrieved from Sermon Illustrations.

©2011 Paul Tillman

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