SoulShift #7: Me to We

Even though there are two chapters and an epilogue remaining, this will be my final post on SoulShift. The final chapters contain good practical aids for making a personal plan to achieve a soul shift and encouraging words to spur us on.

Chapter 7 begins with the most powerful illustration in the book, and I will not spoil it by re-posting it here; read the book. The illustration shows that even a sincere and repentant Christians can be so a part of their culture that they may not even recognize they are participating in sin. DeNeff and Drury point out numerous social issues that need to be addressed by the Church, but that is not the thrust of this soul shift. The authors specifically address the Christian Church in the U.S.A, stating that lone wolf individualism is not the model for Christ’s church. This message reminded me of There Is No i In Church by Keith Drury.

Practically, it reminded me that both in my church, and in other spheres of influence, a cannot always stay in my introvert’s cave of isolation. My daughter has become my biggest asset for connecting with others because everyone I come into contact with wants to see or hold the cute baby. However, she can also be my biggest excuse not to engage with people. On Saturday, she fell asleep about the time we were to drop by a neighbor’s BBQ, and she was asleep for two hours. I need to make sure I go over there this week, apologize, and reschedule. At church, I need to take a nursery shift, and when I sit with my baby in church, sit among the congregation, not in the bleachers.

My reflections as I read through SoulShift by Steve DeNeff and David Drury.

©2011 Paul Tillman

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