Category Archives: Epiphany

Call to Worship: What Can We Become

As we live our lives, every once in a while we find ourselves in these moments of epiphany, where we see more clearly who God is, and in that light, what we can become. I have a great father, but I did not really fully appreciate why God is called “Our Father” in the Bible until I became a father. Through my relationship with my daughter, I see how loving God is, and how loving I can become; both are greater than I previously imagined. Continue reading Call to Worship: What Can We Become

Call to Worship: Picking Teams

In elementary school, my friends and I played sports during nearly every recess. A team captain usually picked me somewhere in the middle; nobody wants to be picked last. Most of us did not care which team we played for; we always played our best, knowing that new teams would be chosen next recess. Playing to the best of one’s ability could mean the difference between moving up or down in the picking order.

Picking Teams – photo by Todd Dailey c. 2009

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